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Sublette County Fair Office



Thursday, July 25

  • 7:00PM

  • Ag Center

  • Belt Buckles to Event Champions!

    • Thanks to the following sponsors: Alsade Limited / Guio Ranch, Bob & Terrie Springman, Get Western Electric, Tegeler & Associates / Zach Wenz, Milleg Ranch, Pinedale Animal Hospital, Greg & Robin Schamber, First Bank, Sarah Faith Ranch, Dr. Vern Aultman, and Bousman CPA

Classes (Age is determined as of January 1, 2024)​

  • Bareback Riding 7-9 (EF: $10)

  • Bareback Riding 10-12 (EF: $10)

  • Calf Riding 7-9 (EF: $10)

  • Mini Bull Riding 7-9 (EF: $10)

  • Stick Horse Barrels 4 & Under (EF: $5)

  • Stick Horse Barrels 5-6 (EF: $5)

  • Stick Horse Barrels 7-9 (EF: $5)

  • Goat Ribbon Pull 5-6 (EF: $10) 

  • Goat Ribbon Pull 7-9 (EF: $10)

  • Goat Tail Tying 10-12 (EF: $10)

  • Calf Roping 7-9 (EF: $10)

  • Calf Roping 10-12 (EF: $10)

  • Calf Roping 13-15 (EF: $10)

  • Calf Roping 16-18 (EF: $10)

  • Sheep Riding 6 & Under (EF: $10)


  • Entry Deadline: Wednesday, July 17

  • Enter Online:

  • Entry Fee: Varies - Listed Above

  • Late entries will be accepted from July 18 to July 24 for double the original entry fee. Absolutely no entries will be accepted after July 24.


The Ag Center will be split into two arenas. Goat tying and stick horse barrels will take place in the small arena. All other events, including the grand entry will be in the bigger arena.

Parents: Due to parental issues at previous rodeos, we ask that all parents stay out of the arena, unless you are helping your child with a barrel racing pattern.

Stick Horse Barrels: There will be a five-second penalty for kids who run the pattern incorrectly or have an assistant (other than the rodeo royalty or SCFB volunteers). Contestants in the 5-6 and 7-9 age divisions must run with the stick horse between their legs at all times, otherwise, they will receive a five-second penalty.

Goat Tail Tying: The contestants cannot pre-tie the ribbon. They must wait to tie the ribbon until they catch the goat tying the ribbon before reaching the goat will result in a twenty-second penalty.

Calf Roping: No contestants can rope the calf until the calf crosses the line in the sand. Contestants may only throw one loop. There will be a 30 second maximum time allowance for contestants to catch the calf. Only head/horn catches will be considered for a time. Calf ropers 13 & up will stand in a circle in the middle of the arena until the calf fully clears the chute. Time will start when the calf leaves the chute.

Calf Riding / Mini Bulls: Safety equipment should be worn. The buzzer will be at 6 seconds. Contestants must ride for 6 seconds to be eligible for a score. The highest score wins.

Bareback Riding: Safety equipment should be worn. The buzzer will be at 6 seconds. Contestants must ride for 6 seconds to be eligible for a score. The highest score wins.

Sheep Riding: Safety equipment should be worn. The longest ride / time wins. 

© 2024 by Sublette County Fair / Kailey Barlow

1-307-276-5373 | 10937 US Highway 189 | PO Box 1072 | Big Piney, WY  83113

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